Will Ben Sims
10 mins read
Will Ben Sims
10 mins read
Android remains to be the most popular and widely used operating system for smartphone users around the world. Naturally, most app developers now are in favour of giving priority to Android app development over apps for iOS or desktop platforms or the web. This is also why every Android app development company must deal with huge competition. They must be meticulous in choosing the correct SDKs, libraries and frameworks for their projects.
To make things easier for them, we will showcase the top SDKs, libraries, and frameworks used in Android app projects in 2023.
The official programming language for Android development is Kotlin, and Google has launched it as a superior alternative to Java. It is unique and powerful, including statically typed coding, interoperability with Java, low code footprint, better app security and many others.
Here we mention some of the important strengths, capabilities and features Kotlin is known for.
Kotlin code is concise and clean due to the lack of boilerplate code.
Kotlin comes with a Null Safety feature, which gives freedom from NullPointerException.
Kotlin for Java developers doesn’t increase any learning curve as Kotlin code is fully interoperable with Java.
An extremely easy-to-use command line helps developers build Android apps faster.
As the most popular hybrid development framework, Ionic allows for quickly building highly reliable apps. Integrated testing tools, drag-and-drop development functions, Ionic UI components, easy-to-integrate design files, and many more make Ionic versatile.
Some of the Ionic framework's essential features, strengths and capabilities include the following.
You can easily extend your Android app in the future with cross-platform functionality.
Ionic relies on trusted and tested web technologies such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.
It is fully component-based and integration ready to ensure faster development.
It has a little learning curve and offers everything out of the box to shape a high-performance app project.
Flutter is the leading cross-platform UI development toolkit that enjoys the highest popularity among all frameworks and libraries now and in 2023. It uses Dart programming language and offers a component-based development environment allowing you to shape the UIs with many native widgets.
The most important strengths, capabilities and features Flutter is known for are below.
Flutter offers a free and open-source SDK powered by Google’s support.
Flutter uses a performance-focused, low-footprint and reliable Dart language.
Flutter offers the hot reload feature to help developers and the QA team evaluate the changes in code in running apps, which saves time and resources.
Flutter comes with a vast repository of Android UI widgets that follow the Material Design principle of Android.
Flutter offers support to an extensive range of development environments or IDEs.
Flutter uses the Dart language, known for its low code footprint and minor coding errors or bugs.
Flutter also offers integrated backend development functions with Google Firebase.
React Native is regarded to be the most popular cross-platform and native application development framework. It uses JavaScript as the coding language and offers a component-based dynamic architecture. Having been the leading framework for app development for years, it is now the second in popularity, following Flutter.
Some of the essential features, capabilities and strengths that made React Native popular among Android developers are mentioned below.
Optimum code reusability across multiple projects and platforms.
It ensures fantastic code rendering for the native Android experience.
It comes with inbuilt tools for the smooth identification of bugs and errors.
The help of Node Packet Manager (NPM) helps bring down the learning curve.
The live reload feature allows real-time code changes and evaluation.
Xamarin is one of the most reliable mobile application development frameworks on which Android app projects frequently rely. It is free and open-source and ensures robust development with everything you need to perfect an app.
Some of the most notable features, strengths and capabilities of Xamarin for Android development are mentioned below.
Xamarin allows extending the core codebase across multiple projects thanks to its “write once, run everywhere” approach.
The framework enjoys the excellent support of Microsoft and the vast support of the developer community.
Xamarin offers everything for faster development and app rollout with many integrated tools.
Xamarin insight continues to give developers more profound insights into user activities and ways to improve user experience.
Corona SDK is another widely popular mobile app development framework that Android game app developers widely use. It uses a unique programming language called LUA, which is easy to learn and tremendously versatile in capabilities.
Below are some of the most notable features, strengths and capabilities that make Corona SDK popular among Android developers.
It is fully open-source, free and completely community-supported.
It offers a very manageable learning curve despite allowing you to create layouts for complex systems.
The Android app can be easily extended to iOS and the web with reusable code.
It offers powerful OpenGL graphics capabilities.
The LUA language is known for low-footprint code, and this ensures efficiency.
Appcelerator Titanium is a widely popular SDK that relies upon tried and tested web languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The apps built using this SDK perform quite similarly to apps developed using native technologies.
The following are some of the awesome features and strengths of Appcelerator Titanium that made it popular for Android development.
It is an easily extensible, open-source, accessible and versatile SDK.
It comes with a rich code module capable of reducing the load of excess code.
It comes with a plethora of native Android UI components.
When you want a simple Android development framework for simple and basic Android smartphones, it is the one you can choose. It has been developed to make things easier for quick development needs.
Dagger uses annotations for simplifying development processes. Created to cater to low-end smartphone devices, Dagger makes everything straightforward for Android app projects. Easy-to-read code makes Dagger popular among Android developers.
You can opt for this if you want to know about one leading network library. This essential HTTP library is explicitly created for Java and Android. If, as a developer, you are just starting your journey, you will find this easy and efficient.
The best thing about this is that it supports most of the leading and well-known serialisation libraries. Developers can choose among these libraries based on their project requirements. Most importantly, the tool is also effective in uploading JSN and recovering the same.
For many Android app developers, faster loading of images always remains a crucial concern; Fresco comes to the rescue for them. With the goal of loading images faster and better, this library has become a steeple choice for many Android app projects.
Created and supported by Facebook, it ensures optimum quality focus and awesome technical support. The best thing about this framework is that it keeps the app's performance intact when performing its duties.
As you already know, Android developers, while using Flutter and a few other frameworks, can easily access the Firebase plugin for backend development support. But this analytics and reporting tool from Google Firebase is a must-have for any Android app project.
To have a detailed view and understanding of how app visitors engage and interact with the app, you always need a robust analytics and reporting tool. And this is where Firebase Analytics does an impressive job for you. The tool will help track users from their first entry point to the last exit step and bring you all the patterns and insights.
Analysing app crashes and non-responsive instances is another crucial requirement for any ambitious Android app project. Though multiple crash reporting and analysis tools exist, Crashlytics is more robust and efficient. Hence we must take advantage of this in our present list.
According to most Android app developers, it is the most well-equipped and efficient crash analyser and reporting tool to detect and report all the errors and fault lines that lead to crashing. It can easily detect the faulty code responsible for the crashes and any other erroneous responses so that you can make the changes and prevent them. Most importantly, Crashlytics comes as absolutely free and open-source for app developers.
We hope that you found the above reading helpful for your upcoming Android app project or any other project. We have presented some of the most acclaimed mobile application development frameworks, SDKs and libraries that stood the test of time.
In this respect, it is noteworthy that every technology or tool is distinct, and each of them has different features and capabilities. Naturally, they must be in a different line with the goal of every app project. So, you need to pick from these technologies and tools based on the nature and objectives of your app.
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